Eureka: Pioneering life science talent and recruitment solutions.

Direct hire &

permanent recruitment

Hire game-changers to support your ambitions

We understand that change is inevitable in business, and we are here to help you navigate it successfully. We have a proven track record of finding the right people to fill your open positions, regardless of the reason for the change. We use a combination of proven methodologies, global networks, and the latest technology to deliver amazing results.

Greater than

There's a science and an art to matching people with potential for growth. Sometimes, an agile talent partner with the best connections in the industry is just the spark you need.

Our deep understanding reduces time to hire

We have a large network of passive talent that we have cultivated through thousands of hours of networking. This gives us a holistic view of the market, enabling us to consult and help you find the best candidates for your open positions, regardless of their location.

Our deep understanding of the market minimises the time that hiring managers have to spend on briefing, or reviewing resumes which significantly reduces time to hire.

Contact us about your hiring requirements

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Inference is bliss

But so is completing the circuit from talent to opportunity to insight and back again.
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